Salt is fed into a hopper where Wet grinding takes place post which the salt slurry would be pumped into washing tanks where the salt would be washed thrice with fresh brine and then it would be passed through a centrifuge to remove the excess water. Salt with 4 % moisture content would be received from the centrifuge. Post which it would be passed through an industrial grade drier to achieve 0% moisture content and then the dried salt would go through the sieveing unit for achieving the required particle size. Salt will first go through Gyratory Vibro screen to achieve desired level of particle size. Over sized material will be passed through a pin mill and then passed through separate screens to remove the dust content and achieve the desired ratio of particles. We also have a pulse jet filter installed which would absorb all undesired salt dust from the system so as to achieve a uniform particle size with least amount of fine salt particles. Iodine is added to the final product before the same goes into the silo.