Pumping of Brine
- Brine is pumped out from bore wells.
- Saline water is extracted from on site bore wells to various condensation pans.
- Brine is moved through various condensers for a natural evaporation and to achieve the required density (ie 18 – 20 gms of salt in 100 ml of water).
- Water is circulated in the condensation pans for 3-4 days for solar evaporation .
- Brine is left in the crystallizing tanks for the natural formation of salt crystals.
- Water is transferred to crystallization tanks from condensation pans.
- Salt crystals form over a period of 7-10 days in summer & 25-30 days in winter.
- Salt is extracted from the crystallizers and then dispatched to the various sites for further processing.
- Salt is extracted from the crystallization tanks by skilled workers and then further processed in plants .